Ed's Place (Ambrosia Mentality)

This is an easy place to view and comment on some of my work. All comments are welcome, Please let me know what you think. Intelligence is a must here, if no where else. If you wish to comment, yet do not want the world to see it, you can contact me at: edcat01@juno.com

Location: Choctaw, Oklahoma, United States

I’m just a very lucky, dirty old man with a wonderful wife. I have opinions on most everything, but will not force them on anyone other than family and friends. They have to suffer with me as no one else.

Friday, November 18, 2005

A few things about freedom

Freedom is not something which can truly be given; it must be earned and fought for.

When you help someone gain their freedom, it is not up to you to see they keep it.

Freedom is not free; it costs dearly in money, effort, time and blood.

Tyranny and oppression are more expensive than freedom!

Life without freedom is only an existence, not living.

Freedom is the right to pursue happiness, not a guarantee you will get it.

The freedom of communication is not the right to malign or spread falsehoods to harm another.

To give assistance to another to gain freedom is worth more than gold.

Ed Williams

Thursday, November 10, 2005

Veteran's Day

Of all the holidays this nation has, Veteran’s Day is one of the most important, in my opinion.  If it were not for the veteran this nation would have fallen long ago.  Yes, we have problems in this country, but without the veteran we would not be a country to have those problems.

I am proud to be a veteran and proud too of my family.  We, as with many other families, have made the choice to serve this nation, even unto death.

I want to take this time to thank ALL veterans, past, present and future for safeguarding this nation, its people and the flag.  Without you, these words could NOT have been written.


Ed Williams

Monday, November 07, 2005

West Wing

I don’t watch political debates on television.  But last night I watched the “live” Presidential debate on the show “West Wing”.  If our debates were as open as this was, I would tune in and see what the politicians had to say in them.  Yes, this was scripted, but it was more open and informative than anything our real political debates put out there.  It also showed just how close the two major parties are to each other.  On every issue they seemed to want the same thing, but wanted to go about getting there in a different way.

If I lived in the world of the “West Wing”, it would be very hard to choose between the two men.  Both Alan Alda and Jimmy Smits’ characters seem to be men of honor and dedication.  But, as with real life, neither one told what their plan was for the country.  There is a very good reason for this.  The President may lead the nation, but it is congress that really does the work.  No matter who the President is or what party they are a member off, there is nothing they can do to change anything without Congress behind them.

The show brought up several points which concern this nation today, like health care, drug prices, employment, immigration, education, taxes and energy.  If we made our political leaders live by the same rules as the general population, they would fix the problems.  Why should the chosen few be above the need for affordable medical care and retirement?  We need a complete overhaul of these systems and Congress is doing nothing about it.  They placate us with sound bites, but that is the end of it.  They continue to play the part of the little Dutch boy plugging the hole with his finger and don’t even think about repairing the dike to keep the floods from coming.

We need a change!  We need people in office who will step up and force the government to make those changes.  It is time to remove everyone who is in congress now and put people in who will do the job!  I don’t think a larger government is the answer, but a smarter government is.  We need a lean, mean, fighting machine to combat the ills of this nation and bring it back to health.  A large bureaucratic quagmire helped to put us in the shape we are in!  Too much government intervention bogs down growth.  Government can’t create jobs or a better energy source, but they can help to set an environment where the open market can.  

We have a political system with three branches to check one another.  No one branch can make all the changes needed.  They have to work together as one, but within the framework of our constitution.  The trouble is the constitution was written over two hundred years ago.  The world has changed more in that time span than over the previous thousand years.  What will the next two hundred years hold for us?

Any nation filled with leaders and no followers is doomed to fail.  Any nation overburdened by a top heavy elite will fail the masses and fall.

Ed Williams

Saturday, November 05, 2005

Just a Thought

We have heard the old saying “Money is the root of all evil”. If that is true, then what does that make the government who prints it?

If debt is servitude/bondage, are the credit card companies slave masters?

When you put those two thoughts together, all government is evil; slavery is alive and thriving, supported by the people/government. All people are sheep wanting to be led to the slaughter.

As the government is in debt and continues that way, we are controlled by an evil slave.

How can the laws of the land be good and fair if they are based in a government rooted in evil? Is the government evil or the people who run it?

As all governments are run by people and those individuals are put in power by the majority, then would it not be true the majority is evil?

If that same nation’s people practice one religion, is that religion also evil?

Ed Williams