Ed's Place (Ambrosia Mentality)

This is an easy place to view and comment on some of my work. All comments are welcome, Please let me know what you think. Intelligence is a must here, if no where else. If you wish to comment, yet do not want the world to see it, you can contact me at: edcat01@juno.com

Location: Choctaw, Oklahoma, United States

I’m just a very lucky, dirty old man with a wonderful wife. I have opinions on most everything, but will not force them on anyone other than family and friends. They have to suffer with me as no one else.

Monday, June 14, 2004

American symbols

Have you ever wondered why the traits of people are often equated with those of animals?

The hawk and dove are symbols of war and peace. Why? If you look at the traits of the two birds, it will answer the question, but it raises even more questions than are answered.

The dove, a symbol of peace, is a bird which has no one territory. Nests where if can and is a fairly good parent to its young. If danger arrives in its area, more times than not, the birds fly away and hide. This is even true if its young are also in that same danger. The dove’s instinct of survival lies in it living. Loss of its young is not that important, as it can always have more.

The hawk, a symbol of war, is a bird which claims and guards its territory. If an invader enters that area to hunt or presents a danger to them or their young, they attack. The hawk’s instinct of self preservation is tempered by its need to protect their young. The only time they go looking for a fight is when they have lost their territory to another, and need to find another area to claim as home.

It seems to me the dove is a coward and should not, I repeat, NOT be given the high position it has. The hawk is not the warmonger it is made out to be. The views held of both birds need to be modified to show their true nature.

The American Bald Eagle is a symbol of the United States. A proud bird which tends to it’s young with great care and is even gentle to them. Enter into the area an eagle has claimed its home and you will see an attack to repel the invasion. The eagle neither seeks confrontation nor will it flee, but will defend, even unto death. The eagle will do what is needed, then move on to other activities necessary to bettering its life.

It is easy to see a correlation between the hawk and the eagle, not the eagle and the dove. A closer correlation to the dove might be that of the ostrich. Though it has the means to protect itself with powerful legs, it uses them to flee, not to defend, unless cornered. It is not true the ostrich puts its head in the sand to hide from danger, but it is a good analogy.

If you were to choose a bird as a symbol to represent the nature of your country, which would it be, the hawk, dove, ostrich or the eagle. Our forefathers made the choice for you, they chose the eagle. This country is touted as being the home of the proud and the brave, not of the coward and self centered. The American people are so proud of what we have, that it has become part of the American way to help others achieve the same dream.

The United States has always made its best effort to avoid a fight, but has never run from one. The eagle seems the proper symbol for this nation, but not all its people. Even after an attack on our land, there are still individuals who feel fighting for what is ours, is wrong. That is the coward’s way, to protest against something when you are safe, while others stand in harms way to protect your right to protest. I must say, these are the true doves of the world, to run and hide from danger. If all people were true doves, there would be no danger to flee. Until that time, the eagle must soar and protect. On the other hand, I may be wrong about the protesters, and they are ostriches, only willing to fight for themselves until the danger has passed, not caring who else dies. That is not the way to insure human rights for all.

This nation and its people as a whole are the American Eagle. We must continue to soar high. The different peoples of this earth depend on and look up to us to see what they; themselves can do if they have the will to try.

Granted, the eagle is a symbol of America, but all know us by the flag, the bold colors, red, white and blue, with the stars and stripes. I could go on about the flag, but this proud symbol of freedom deserves an essay all to itself.

Soar high, the world is watching.

Ed Williams


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