Ed's Place (Ambrosia Mentality)

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Location: Choctaw, Oklahoma, United States

I’m just a very lucky, dirty old man with a wonderful wife. I have opinions on most everything, but will not force them on anyone other than family and friends. They have to suffer with me as no one else.

Monday, December 13, 2004


Christmas is once again upon us. A time of year everyone speaks of the Christmas spirit and gift buying. I loathe what Christmas has become, especially in the United States. It’s bad in other parts of the world, but nowhere is it like we have made it.

Why is everyone so enthralled with sending cards to people they seldom talk to, buy gifts they can ill afford and creating light displays to outdo the entire neighborhood? Caroling, snowmen, Santa Claus and again, presents all seem to spell Christmas.

The word “Christmas” comes from Christ's Mass, but I will not get into all the pagan aspects of the whole thing. Christ's Mass was a Roman Catholic sacrament (sacrifice) which Jesus was physically sacrificed into wafer and wine. This is called “transubstantiation" and was only taken by the priests to pay for their sins. It had nothing to do with the populous. It has nothing to do with trees, lights nor egocentrism. In fact, it had nothing to do with anything we think of today.

Christmas in the 1800’s became the celebration of the Christ child, before that it had little meaning. Through the years, everything has changed, including the message. The true message should be LOVE. When a child is born, everyone appears to love him or her. A child is a sign of love. The birth of a child known as the prince of peace should be even more love.

The notion of Christmas being the celebration of the birth of Jesus was an evolution. It has evolved many times over the ages. One of the many corruptions of Christmas is the seemly obligatory purchase, giving and receiving of gifts. This is all loosely based on the age-old story of the three wise men. The gifts they gave were gold, frankincense and myrrh. Why? What was the intent and purpose of these gifts? Well gold for general living, not to buy toys, frankincense and myrrh are two ingredients used to make incense. This is telling as incense was not used on a daily basis, but saved for religious events and death. So in essence, the gifts were for the continuation of life and preparing the coming death, the full cycle of life. They had nothing to do with making the child happy. They were gifts given to a child these men saw as a mighty king, as a homage if you will. That child and his teachings are the gift to you and your children. Nowhere in the story does it say to buy presents; it says, rejoice in his coming.

The way we represent Christmas is passed on from generation to generation. It is getting worse with each one. It has come to the point when no one really thinks about the holiday being a celebration of a child born who changed the world. It is now a time to spend, spend, spend. Is it time are Christmas to evolve again?

Forget going to the mall and give your children the gift they need for life, LOVE. I know the retailers will hate me for this, but they have been a major reason for the bastardization Christmas as it was years ago. Give gifts if you will but make them love and caring. If you just have to spend money, give it to those who need it more than you, but make it a gift no one knows came from you. If you give something and let people know you gave it, then it is only something you are doing to show others what a good person you are. That is selfish and a self-centered act, and has nothing to do with the idea of Christmas. To give a gift no one knows of is truly a gift and is a delight to the soul.

If everyone would give the gift of LOVE and only have love in all their actions for just one day, the world would be a better place to live. If everyone could do it for one day, then maybe, just maybe, they could do it for two days, then a week, and so on. A world filled with love every day would be a world of peace. Just think of a world without war, hate or greed. That would be a real gift to the prince of peace.

If you really can only show your love by buying presents, why wait for one time a year. Do it daily, unless you only love and care once a year. Make the spirit of Christmas a daily event, to give selflessly without regard of reward.

In place of Christmas lights, show the light of love. That is a light show without any competition or self-interest. Save the trees to view in nature and the electricity to heat your homes. You will find a brighter view and a warmer feeling inside than from the feigned facsimile we put forth now.

If you really have to buy a gift for your children, do they truly need a new video game? Buy them a book, they can learn and have fun at the same time, or a pet to teach them love and compassion. Do your aunts, uncles, siblings or any other friend or family member really need a new DVD, do you? Give them the gift of you, spend time with them, everyone will be better for it. Without the DVD’s, video games or TV, you will have time to talk. When was the last time you just sat and talked to your family? If you have to think about it, it has been too long.

Let this year be the first year you don’t pull you checkbook or credit card out to line the pockets of retailers. Pull out the love you have deep in your heart and share it with everyone you see. That would make this a holiday all religions could embrace, a day of world love and peace. If you have already bought into the Christmas of today, let the Christmas of 2004 start today.

A smile filled with love can brighten the world better than any Christmas light display invented. Try to compare your house decorations to the beaming face of a child, there is none. Love and caring are the true gifts of Christmas and you can’t buy them in a store. If half the energy we put forth to make Christmas as it is today was put into love, you have no idea the difference it could make. It is time we brought Christmas back to the place it should be, a time to celebrate peace and love in the form of a child, every child, as we are all children. The more love you give, the more love you have. Rejoice and celebrate a Christmas of love and caring. Remember, on the scales of the Almighty, all the Christmas gifts ever given can not balance with one act of love.

Written by Ed Williams, a Jew (written December 2003)


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