Ed's Place (Ambrosia Mentality)

This is an easy place to view and comment on some of my work. All comments are welcome, Please let me know what you think. Intelligence is a must here, if no where else. If you wish to comment, yet do not want the world to see it, you can contact me at: edcat01@juno.com

Location: Choctaw, Oklahoma, United States

I’m just a very lucky, dirty old man with a wonderful wife. I have opinions on most everything, but will not force them on anyone other than family and friends. They have to suffer with me as no one else.

Tuesday, March 29, 2005


This is one I'm not real happy with, but decided to post it anyway. I hope you enjoy it and it is not too bad.

Now tis the time o’ year,
Come round and lend an ear.
Winter’s hawk soars away and summer’s swelter not yet arrived.

The sun shines brightly,
Rains fall through scattered clouds or thunderous skies.
Flowers and trees, they are a poppin, to say ‘we survived’.

The earth, she awakens,
The long winter’s slumber, tis over, at least for now!
Spring cometh, it hath arrived.

Winter’s snows, they are a meltin,
Spring’s showers now fall.
The world, tis covered in glorious wonder.

Tis time to leave the cocoon,
Open your eyes and spread your wings in the light of day.
See the world in all its glory, awakened from a long slumber.

The renaissance is upon us,
Gather to celebrate and sing songs aloud.
Notes fill the air in colors splendid wonder.

Renewal of life, the cycle begins,
Tents dot the field.
Banners fly in pale blue sky.

Minstrels sing of days of yore,
Tales of myth, a shanty or legends large.
Clap your hands, stomp you feet, just don’t ask why.

Castles with stone of gray,
Crystal figures blown by hand.
The falconers arm raised to the sky.

Jesters, dancers, jugglers and more,
Entertain the crowds galore.
Living life, both old and new.

Combatants take the field of honor,
Gentle maidens swoon.
Performance sublime, all for you.

With pageantry and spectacle,
A tradition old.
A faire today is all brand new.

The scent of spring and roasted delights,
Sensations overwhelm.
A land of past glory, myth and fact.

Artistry, talent, they do abound,
So many sights, just look round.

A cocoon, tis not,
A life full of renewal we sought.

Look to the old and see the new,
The simple to the complex is naught the fool.

Renaissance today is passage of time,
The journey be faux, yet still sublime.

Raise a shout throughout the land,
And cry huzzah, huzzah the king be at hand.

Ed Williams ©

Sunday, March 20, 2005

Thoughts to ponder

Why is the world 2/3 covered with water we can’t drink?

If everyone gets 15 minutes of fame, do we also get the money?

If men are from Mars and women are from Venus, is Earth neutral ground, a singles bar or a retirement home?

If a retailer has the sign out – “zero interest” does that mean nobody wants it?

If someone is selling property with the sign - “Low down”. Is it bottom land?

If the sign says “No down”, does that mean you have to pay it all up front?

Water is made up of two gases, hydrogen and oxygen. Why can’t we burn water as a fuel?

Why do we have “fresh water” and “salt water” anyway?

If money is the root of all evil, does that mean anyone who has it is evil or a criminal?

Preachers are always talking about money and that we should tithe at least 10% to G-D. What does G-D need with money anyway? If G-D has not need of money, what are the preachers doing with it and do they fit in to the question above?

Why is it that there never seems to be a cop around when you need one and always one around when you don’t want one?

Why is it that a panhandler can afford to pay for a license to stand on a corner and beg for money?

Why do people want English to be our national language when we speak American?

If republicans and democrats are so different, why do they both lie to get into and stay in office?

Ed Williams

Monday, March 14, 2005

Wisdom for Today

Freedom of will is given to everyone. If they wish to follow the right path and become righteous, they have the ability to do so. If they wish to follow the path of wrong and become wicked, they have the ability to do so as well.

- Maimonides

Monday, March 07, 2005

Are you an adult?

Just what is an adult? That is not a question as easy to answer as one might think. Most believe being an adult has to deal with time and age, but I have known some in their youth who were more of an adult than those many years their senior.

So just what constitutes being an adult? By law it can be from the ages of 18 to 21 and up. The dictionary simply says: “A fully developed person from maturity onward.” Insurance companies don’t believe a person is mature until they are 25. In some cultures and religions it can be as early as puberty or the age of 13. There have been many fact based stories of children as young as 8 operating as an adult. With all that said, is age really a factor for consideration as an adult?

Maybe an adult could be better defined by maturity. But there once more, the question of maturity is not easily defined. Again, the dictionary defines maturity as: “The period of time in your life after your physical growth has stopped and you are fully developed.” I have known people who were in their early teens who were fully physically developed and growth had stopped.

Should we not define maturity more by actions and mental development? A child is only a child when their actions and mental capacity show them to be child like, no matter the age. Please do not misunderstand that statement. This is not to say that persons with mental defects or learning disabilities could not be considered mature. I have known a few individuals with these problems and in most cases would consider them to be very mature people, with more wisdom than many “normal” people I have known.

So really, what shows maturity? 1. The ability to deal with day to day issues with a, more or less, level headed process. 2. Taking responsibility for personal actions or inactions. 3. Thinking situations through and curbing rash actions. 4. Contributing to ones welfare and the welfare of others. 5. Consistent reliability of/by word or deed. 6. A modicum of frugality of resources. 7. Able to deal with others in a rational manner. 8. A relatively successful control of extremes in emotions and actions. There are many more, but there is no need to put too fine a point on it, I’m sure you get the idea.

Society is constantly pushing the boundaries of youth. Throughout history we have had “children” working alongside “adults” in the fields, in factories or storefronts. We have even had “children” ruling nations! Today we force feed children the horrors and joys of this world. This is creating a generation of “adults” with little to no respect for others. This is the shortcomings of the parents, not the government!

If parents do not educate their children, how can we feel the government will do a better job? Home is not only a place to live, but an institution of learning and teaching. The basics of humanity have to be taught from birth for any individual to become a truly mature adult. Without this foundation, no amount of “public” or private education will help.

Parenting is not an inherited trait, it must to taught. Even parents of children continue to learn, to hone their skills over time. Training a person to be a mature adult begins at home, from infancy. Parents who do not give this training are not acting as mature responsible adults. They are not part of the solution, but are the problem!

Teachers in our schools are not there to replace the parents or absolve them of their responsibilities. They are there to further the child’s education. To place a savage in a school environment with civil children is a disservice to all involved.

The hostile environment of our schools has brought about a wave of “home schooling”. This too is not a viable solution to the problem, but in the long run may create even more problems. Interaction with others is mandatory in today’s world. “Home schooling” is an insulator to the world and people. For a truly balanced nation and world environment, everyone needs “people” skills. This skill can only be taught when people are involved, not just family members or close friends.

Today we have more and more “children” committing crimes, from robbery to murder. When these acts are planned and thought out in detail; that is the act of an adult, not a child! These individuals should be dealt with for what they are! Not only should the person who preformed the crime be accountable, but also the facilitator, i.e. the parent!

Television and video games have been touted as villainous to our children. If they are indeed the culprit, why were the generations which preceded not tainted by the violence in books, movies and television? The answer is simple: they were taught at home what was right and wrong. A guardian to a child can undo any damage or influences these elements may instill. The problem is it takes time and effort, something seemingly in short supply today. There is also something called an “off” switch!

Those who are “adults” need to help prepare the next generation to fulfill their roles as mature adults of the future. If you are a parent, be a parent in fact and teach at least the basics. If you are not yet a parent, learn maturity and parenting skills before you bring a potential savage into this world. The future depends on a society of mature adults.

A society of savages is not a society at all, but a horde of beasts.

Ed Williams