Ed's Place (Ambrosia Mentality)

This is an easy place to view and comment on some of my work. All comments are welcome, Please let me know what you think. Intelligence is a must here, if no where else. If you wish to comment, yet do not want the world to see it, you can contact me at: edcat01@juno.com

Location: Choctaw, Oklahoma, United States

I’m just a very lucky, dirty old man with a wonderful wife. I have opinions on most everything, but will not force them on anyone other than family and friends. They have to suffer with me as no one else.

Sunday, March 20, 2005

Thoughts to ponder

Why is the world 2/3 covered with water we can’t drink?

If everyone gets 15 minutes of fame, do we also get the money?

If men are from Mars and women are from Venus, is Earth neutral ground, a singles bar or a retirement home?

If a retailer has the sign out – “zero interest” does that mean nobody wants it?

If someone is selling property with the sign - “Low down”. Is it bottom land?

If the sign says “No down”, does that mean you have to pay it all up front?

Water is made up of two gases, hydrogen and oxygen. Why can’t we burn water as a fuel?

Why do we have “fresh water” and “salt water” anyway?

If money is the root of all evil, does that mean anyone who has it is evil or a criminal?

Preachers are always talking about money and that we should tithe at least 10% to G-D. What does G-D need with money anyway? If G-D has not need of money, what are the preachers doing with it and do they fit in to the question above?

Why is it that there never seems to be a cop around when you need one and always one around when you don’t want one?

Why is it that a panhandler can afford to pay for a license to stand on a corner and beg for money?

Why do people want English to be our national language when we speak American?

If republicans and democrats are so different, why do they both lie to get into and stay in office?

Ed Williams


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