Ed's Place (Ambrosia Mentality)

This is an easy place to view and comment on some of my work. All comments are welcome, Please let me know what you think. Intelligence is a must here, if no where else. If you wish to comment, yet do not want the world to see it, you can contact me at: edcat01@juno.com

Location: Choctaw, Oklahoma, United States

I’m just a very lucky, dirty old man with a wonderful wife. I have opinions on most everything, but will not force them on anyone other than family and friends. They have to suffer with me as no one else.

Sunday, February 27, 2005

Being an Adult

As a child we looked forward to becoming an adult. We viewed the future as a time when we could stay up late, not go to school and still know all the answers. A time when no one could tell us what to do or where we could or could not go.

As the years pass, we glance over our shoulder to our youth with envy. Back to a time when the major crisis of the day maybe the upcoming math test not studied for, someone playing a joke at your expense or the heartache of first love. These were earth shaking events, at least in our world then.

Looking back everything seems so simple compared to the complexities of adult life. Growing up brought us all the benefits youth believed and many more disadvantages never though about. There are the joys and trials of working for a living, paying bills and taxes on what we make. Still having people tell us what we can and cannot do or say. There are still the heartaches of love, and we still aren’t sure how to handle them. We still do not have all the answers to our questions and there are even more questions to answer. There also are the lost simple things of youth.

When was the last time you lay on the grass just looking at the sky? Do you still see the wonderful shapes clouds make? At night, can you see the mystery of the stars in the velvet sky? What about poking your nose close to the grass and viewing first hand the micro world living there. Do you still care about a doll or stuffed animal’s feelings? Remember when they were a friend you could tell every secret to and know they would keep them safe? When was the last time you jumped into a pile of raked leaves in autumn or made a snow angel just for fun? The last book you read, did it fill you with ah and wonder? Did it open a whole new world to wander through and explore? What about watching the rain fall down the window pane or snowflakes floating in the sky? Do they still give you enjoyment? Do you still look at trees and plants with the eyes of youth?

These are but a few joys of youth we lose with age. Maybe life as an adult would not be as perplexing if we had not lost the simple things of childhood. Would it harm our maturity to sojourn back to our youth once in a while and practice the simple joys? Maybe, just maybe wisdom can be found there, hidden from the jaded eyes of adulthood. Look past the concrete and steel of the cities surrounding us and see the beauty of the world. Get out some water color paints and become a great artist once more. Walk through your house as an explorer on a distant planet. Did you ever walk through the house holding a mirror to view the ceiling? I did as a youth and remembering that gave me a whole new outlook on life. Try it now and see for yourself. Try to relive something of joy from by-gone years today and everyday. Life will become easier to live. The wisdom of youth is simple, but true.

Life is an adventure to explore and enjoy. Just going to work and back home, over and over again creates a rut. Everyone knows a rut is a grave without the tombstone. Living in a rut is to be, at least, partly dead. Live this life to its fullest and enjoy it, you will not have it forever.

Ed Williams


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