Ed's Place (Ambrosia Mentality)

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Location: Choctaw, Oklahoma, United States

I’m just a very lucky, dirty old man with a wonderful wife. I have opinions on most everything, but will not force them on anyone other than family and friends. They have to suffer with me as no one else.

Sunday, January 30, 2005

Today’s history lesson – 30 January 2005

Looking back at events in history can be a very interesting hobby. It seems many dates in time have a theme. This may be by divine design or just a freak of nature, but it is there nonetheless. Today is just one of those days, a date centered “around” human entertainment. As entertainment comes in many forms, including politics, intrigue, the spoken and written word. This is an excellent day to view.

We have the birth of political heads, actors and writers topping the list. Franklin D. Roosevelt, (FDR) was born today in 1882, one of the most beloved presidents this nation has known. He is, by some, thought to have gotten us through the “great depression”, but in truth only World War II did that thanks to another man in today’s history of events. FDR never saw the end of the war, but was one of the engineers of the victory. He helped to set in place a system of civil reform in which we are, to this day, dealing with.

Also at the top of the list is Douglas Engelbart in 1925. I know most have never heard of this man, but if you are reading this, you should thank him. He was an inventor and the operations of the mouse for your computer can be traced to him and his work. Coming up next, we go to the “big screen” for the likes of Gene Hackman in 1930 and Vanessa Redgrave in 1937.

Back to the political arena with Richard Cheney, the vice president of the United States was born in 1941. This man has been around the political heads of this nation for decades, a real insider. Now to a man who has done some very interesting work, yet most Americans have not heard of him, Michael Dorris in 1945. This man deserves some research, so look him up and see what you have been missing.

Now on to a few interesting events to mark the day, in 1649, England was entertained as the head of the nation, lost it. King Charles I, was beheaded.

Once again the world got a hangover from over indulging in beer halls. In 1933 Adolf Hitler became Chancellor of Germany. He went head to head with FDR, but lost. It’s funny, in a way, but the birth of one man and the election of another on this date, still affect the world over a half century later. The war they fought, with the lives of billions in their hands, changed the world in ways we still do not fully understand.

On to the death of a man of peace and revolution, in 1948 Gandhi was assassinated. The teachings and practices of this man were used in the United States during the racial strife of the 1960’s. During those trying times, in 1968, the North Vietnamese launched the “Tet offensive”. This was the beginning of the end to U.S. involvement in the country. In 1972, British troops opened fire on civil rights marchers in Northern Ireland, sparking the “Bloody Sunday” massacre. You may be asking how these events could fall into the realm of entertainment. Look to all the books, songs and movies made about them. The world glorified and immortalized these events in the minds of the world on the evening news keeping the populous glued to the tube. They show the macabre nature of man and may show the link of “modern man” to ancient Rome and the bloody killings in the coliseum.

The last event on my list for today happened in 1979. The Iranian civil government announced that Ayatollah Khomeini would be allowed to return to the country. This sparked a chain of events which would help create a late night news program as soon; the American government would be embroiled in a conflict with the religious radicals of that nation as hostages were taken.

As the people of the world search the media for entertainment, events governing the political world also govern the entertainment we see, read and hear. Depending on how it is viewed, these events may well fall within the realm of entertainment. No matter how macabre or how disturbing the event; people of the world crave entertainment! Often only carnage, savagery and bloodshed fulfill the needs of our inner beast.

Looking more closely to the births and events, there also is a link to World War II; the birth of one of the leaders, the rise to power of another and the birth of others during the conflict. The chain of events continues unbroken to this day, linking everything together. Entertainment comes in many different forms, and from many different sources. If it wasn’t for these events, the entertainment of this article would not have been written.

Ed Williams


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