Ed's Place (Ambrosia Mentality)

This is an easy place to view and comment on some of my work. All comments are welcome, Please let me know what you think. Intelligence is a must here, if no where else. If you wish to comment, yet do not want the world to see it, you can contact me at: edcat01@juno.com

Location: Choctaw, Oklahoma, United States

I’m just a very lucky, dirty old man with a wonderful wife. I have opinions on most everything, but will not force them on anyone other than family and friends. They have to suffer with me as no one else.

Sunday, May 28, 2006

Just a thought

When in darkness, even the dim flicker of a candle seems bright as the sun, radiating and safe.  It lightens the lost with hope, either true or false.

Thursday, May 25, 2006

The fastest Solution

The shortest, fastest solution to the illegal immigration problem in the United States is to just buy Mexico!  It would be a lot easier to guard the border south of Mexico.

Ed Williams

Monday, May 15, 2006


I Wrote this a while back and never got it edited to the point I wanted. I decided it was time to get it out there.

We have many topics in the headlines today. The United States has been hailed as the world leader of nations, almost all topics hit home here. As with ancient Rome, all roads lead to the U.S. but not all problems start nor end here. Many plaguing issues inflict damage on other nations before the United States is affected.

Immigration is in the “top ten list” of problems molesting the more affluent nations of this planet. Both legal and illegal, immigration is on most peoples mind in one fashion or another.

In the past, almost every country was founded by immigrants! It may have been one tribe banning together with another, moving to a central location, but they immigrated or migrated. People are always looking for ways to better themselves, either through legal or illegal means. To control this, in modern times, laws were passed to regulate migration/immigration from one place to another. As travel was slow, they were easy to enforce. With the advent of fast transit many of these laws have been abandoned, changed, not enforced or simply forgotten.

Keeping a nation prospering is a balancing act. You need people to perform the jobs, but you need the jobs to support the people. If an economy grows too fast for the people to support it, the economy fails. If the number of people grows faster than the economy is growing, it fails.

With registered, regulated immigration, these numbers can be controlled to keep the balance. With illegal immigration running rampant, turmoil and economic growth begins to falter. Discontent and even revolution by the masses will be the end result. In short, the destruction of the nation!

A nation is like a family, unified. Though the members of the family may see things in different ways, they all work together as a unit toward a common goal. They all speak the same language; though don’t always see the same way to reach the same goal. This is the way a nation works. But when you have people, either legally or illegally in that nation working toward a goal of bettering people not in that country, you have problems.

Trade between nations is a norm; it is a give and take situation. But when members in a country are bleeding off money from that nation and giving it to another with no benefit in return, it undermines the economy of that nation!

If a country is unable to stem the flow of people in or out, in order to maintain the balance needed to support the economy, doom of the nation is in sight and inevitable.

The term illegal means not legal and therefore a crime! As is the standard with all nations today, criminals are punished in one fashion or another when they are caught. To reward a criminal is to perpetuate the crime! Illegal immigration is a crime, yet states of this nation are going bankrupt giving them “freebies” when the legal citizen is unable to receive them.

In order to stem the flood of humanity into countries illegally, the receiving nation should, once the illegal is caught, return them to their home nation. But it should not stop there! The home nation should also be charged the cost of finding, catching and returning that person to them, along with any services they received while in the country. Can you imagine what the leader of the country would do when they receive a bill for a returned citizen? It could be tens to hundreds of thousands of dollars per person!

Now, the country receiving the bill could try and not pay the bill. What could the other nation do to ensure they get their money? Tariff goods and services to and from that country! They could even require companies who have factories in the other country, remove them until the money is paid. If the money is still not paid in a timely manner, interest should be added to the unpaid balance. How long do you think it would take to stop the illegal immigration?

In the case of the United States, we give more aid to other countries than any other nation. We could not only present a bill, but cut aid or loan guarantee until it is paid. This would help us in many ways. Not only could we get our money back, but it would cut the national budget by up to billions of dollars a year.

Illegal immigration is an industry to many people. These individuals are criminals to the core. They should be found, put on trial and jailed. All their assets should also be seized to help repay the government for their crimes!

There is another way to stop this illegal migration from one nation to another. Make all migration/immigration legal! But to do this, we must first remove all national barriers to the point of making only one nation on earth! Globalize all laws into one standard, one education level and one language! Make all people a citizen of this world nation! Then there would be not problem with national economies, only local ones. But local economies could take care of the problem very easily. When there are no vacant jobs, no free services, then the overload of people would either not come or they would leave. End of the problem!

The United States has long stopped looking for more people to move here. Yet, daily hundreds, if not thousands of people come here legally to live from all over the globe. At one time we needed more people to help grow our nation and economy, this is no longer the case. In fact it is the opposite now! The flood of humanity into this nation is a burden, not a benefit. What makes the matter even worse; many of the people pouring in have no interest in helping this nation prosper! They wish to stay separate, speaking their native tongue and keeping old customs, not melding with the society we have. There has always been a separation of nationalities here, but there was a blending of cultural differences to make this nation as no other nation on earth today. This has been our strength, now turned against us!

No longer are we the “melting pot” of the world! In the past people came and enriched this nation as no other. Though we have no “national” language, the standard has always been “Americanized English”, now the new comers don’t want to learn it, speak it or use it. This is a strain on the nation as a whole. It dilutes what we are and what we could ever be!

If some many of the citizens of Mexico wish to have the “American” way of live, why not let the country of Mexico ask the United States of American to be annexed as another state in the union? But that will not happen! They would have to abide by OUR laws and learn to do business in OUR language!

This, seemingly, unstoppable flow of illegal immigration is just one more reason this nation should have an OFFICAL language. The language is “Americanized English”, not Spanish, French, Arabic, Chinese, Korean, Hindi, Mandarin, Japanese or any other language! “Americanized English” is what we speak, it should be what is taught in schools and on government documents. I am not saying they should give up their native tongue completely, but in public and the workplace, we don’t speak it and neither should they!

If we are to open our borders to our neighboring countries, let them become part of U.S.

"In the first place, we should insist that if the immigrant who comes here in good faith becomes an American and assimilates himself to us, he shall be treated on an exact equality with everyone else, for it is an outrage to discriminate against any such man because of creed, or birthplace, or origin. But this is predicated upon the person's becoming in every facet an American and nothing but an American...There can be no divided allegiance here. Any man who says he is an American, but something else also, isn't an American at all. We have room for but one flag, the American flag... We have room for but one language here, and that is the English language... and we have room for but one sole loyalty and that is a loyalty to the American people."Theodore Roosevelt 1907

Ed Williams

Friday, May 05, 2006

A definition illegal

A definition, illegal:  1) That which is not lawful. 2) Outside of the law without legal standing.  3) Criminal.  4) Subject to legal action by national, local officials for judicial action.  5) Outside or beyond local standards as legal. 6) Prohibited.  7) Felonious.  8) Ineligible.  9) Outlaw.  10) Punishable.  


Monday, May 01, 2006


Today is the first day of May, May Day!  It is a day for celebration which goes back centuries.  It is also the birth date of a great man, Arthur Wellesley.  If you don’t know the name, he was also called the “Iron Duke”, “the man who beat Napoleon”, The Duke of Wellington and many more.  

He was a warrior, liberator, and statesman, a beloved and despised man.  He was a patriot, villain, aristocrat, commoner, in short, he was a man.

I salute Arthur Wellesley and all who fight to protect the nation they love, or to free people from the domination of others.  I chastise any who want something for nothing, take more for themselves than is deserved and belittle those who give their all for freedom.  

Ed Williams