Ed's Place (Ambrosia Mentality)

This is an easy place to view and comment on some of my work. All comments are welcome, Please let me know what you think. Intelligence is a must here, if no where else. If you wish to comment, yet do not want the world to see it, you can contact me at: edcat01@juno.com

Location: Choctaw, Oklahoma, United States

I’m just a very lucky, dirty old man with a wonderful wife. I have opinions on most everything, but will not force them on anyone other than family and friends. They have to suffer with me as no one else.

Friday, June 18, 2004

The Third Empire

There have been only three major empires to dominate the world. Yes, there have been many more than three empires, and this is not to belittle them in any way. But only three have left their indelible mark on the society of today.

The first empire is really a combination of two, the Greco-roman. They ruled the known world with a stern hand for thousands of years. They conquered opposing armies with effective weapons and battle tactics. They raised the level of organization armies needed with effective logistics and the standardization of supplies. They invoked a benchmark for military and civilian life alike. Even with the harsh treatment, it gave us a baseline of laws, organized sporting events and the foundation for many of today’s languages. It’s hard to look at almost anything in today’s society without seeing the remains of their influence. All conquered lands were part of a whole, even though all but the Romans were second class citizens. To be called a “Citizen of Rome” was an honor most never saw. Even if they, themselves didn’t have a better life at the time, they could see the splendor of a higher standard of living. This helped to inspire many to better themselves, and in the end, Rome’s downfall.

The second empire was that of the British. They too won their empire through conflict and conquest. Even though they were more reasonable in their general treatment of the conquered lands and people, just as with the Romans, only the British were considered first class citizens. The British, like the Romans, set standards of law and language. In fact, for the majority of the world, the British standard of education is the format used. One thing which has outlasted the British Empire that didn’t with the Romans is language. The English language is a living, ever-changing standard of international speech. Latin, though a basis for most western languages, is dead. At one time, it was said “The sun never set on the British Empire.” This was true as they held a large portion of the known world. More lands than Rome, but not so if you look at the known world of both times. Granted, England had to combat other nations with military power close to their own. Rome conquered any and all who showed signs of the ability to thwart its desires. England made treatises. That is progress for you.

The last empire is the United States. Yes, the United States is an empire, by definition of the word itself. Webster’s defines empire as: a (1): a major political unit having a territory of great extent or a number of territories or peoples under a single sovereign authority; (2): the territory of such a political unit b: something resembling a political empire; especially: an extensive territory or enterprise under single domination or control. In fact, the United States may be the largest and greatest empire this world has ever seen. We are not an empire sovereign over many territories or nations, but one of political, cultural and economical. Yes, we had our hand in war, some for conquest, but most were allied with others for freedom. The policies this nation garners as dear; are the ones most people want and strive to achieve. Even though we are the most powerful nation on earth, our military might is second to its culture. The world, as a whole, tries to emulate the United States in its freedoms, music and standard of living. If this is not the case, why is it you can hear rap, jazz, or almost any other music we are known for, throughout the world. The English language of America, with its slang, is more widely used than the Queen’s English. The trials and scandals of this nation are aired for the entire world to see. They may laugh or scoff, but hidden deep is their desire to have that kind of freedom from the start.

One of the main problems with empires is losing touch with the people under its control. The Romans saw they were losing control and tightened an iron fist around the empire, losing even more than they kept, in the end, even losing itself. England also lost theirs by not maintaining a good relationship with the people. One by one, they simply left. We, the United States have not yet reached our zenith. Will we lose touch and fall by the wayside? Yes, if we do not heed the lessons of the past. If something others desire is held just out of reach, they will, in time, attack and take it. This is something we, as a nation can not afford. Because of our place in world society, we must not only be the beacon but the helping hand. We must show the way and give aid when and where it is needed. In most cases, help is asked for, but not always. Therein lays the rub, knowing when help is needed but not asked for, yet welcomed. Current events have shown we are ready and able to follow through with a helping hand when not asked for. In fact, the helping hand has been slapped away. Granted, in the Middle East, the helping hand was not just to aid them, but us as well. We help them by trying to protect ourselves. Some thought we were forcing our will on others just because we could, now the truth will be seen. They still have a choice of their own to make.

Taking actions and making policies can be a daunting task. This must be done with extreme care and forethought. If one goes too far, all can be lost. If one does not go far enough, then it was just a waste of time and effort. Finding the proper middle takes wisdom. In the past, wisdom has been in short supply, as history has shown. Aid does not have to be financial, but can be nothing more than moral support. It is impossible for one nation, no matter how great, to pour money into every needy or wanting country. Any parent knows this, why can’t the government see it? There comes a time when the money must stop and the recipients told to stand on their own financial feet. Money doesn’t make true friends for any country, only temporary allies. Only after a fledgling country is on its own, can they become a productive member of the world society.

Three world empires have accomplished great and terrible things. Have we, as a people of the earth, learned the lessons of the past? We can only hope, wait and see. The only way to ensure the future is by wisdom, both in our daily lives and in the selection of our leaders. Listen to all sides and glean the truth. A closed mind has nothing to learn, but also, nothing to teach.

There is a fourth empire, and it is you. Do not fail us or all is lost.

Ed Williams

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