Ed's Place (Ambrosia Mentality)

This is an easy place to view and comment on some of my work. All comments are welcome, Please let me know what you think. Intelligence is a must here, if no where else. If you wish to comment, yet do not want the world to see it, you can contact me at: edcat01@juno.com

Location: Choctaw, Oklahoma, United States

I’m just a very lucky, dirty old man with a wonderful wife. I have opinions on most everything, but will not force them on anyone other than family and friends. They have to suffer with me as no one else.

Wednesday, September 29, 2004

October Flame

"Round the bend,autumn flame,
A river wide and tranquil.

Trees splashed with vibrant color,
Liguid leaves, the water spill.

Far ahead, the distance gone,
A winged bird's cry so shrill.

Pale blue, cloud ribbon sky,
Bared skin, a gentle chill

Shaded greens, crimson and amber too,
The sight makes the heart thrill.

Alone I watch with the one I love,
October flame doth fill."

Ed Williams


Sunday, September 26, 2004


Religion is the invention of man; for man to understand what is beyond his comprehension. It is a wondering path to misunderstanding with sidetracks and detours.

G-D has no need for religion.

Ed Williams

Thursday, September 23, 2004


Even though this is a forum for me to put my thoughts and ideas out in the open, if anyone has a subject they would like to hear my thoughts and views on, let me know. I am open to ideas and if it is a subject I know something about or have an opinion on, I would gladly post it.


Tuesday, September 21, 2004

Nothing to Prove

It has been said; a person with nothing to prove is either dead or lying. Ergo, a person who has something to prove is alive, but not necessarily telling the truth.

Ed Williams

Sunday, September 19, 2004


Take heed that the weed of complacency does not overgrow your garden of thought. Like cultivated flowers, thoughts need nourishment. If not tended and fed, the weeds of complacency and over confidence will overwhelm your budding thoughts and ideas. Be more than you are, by thinking, exploring the unknown and reading great works. View art with an open mind. See the beauty this world has to offer.

As in youth, imagination flowered to enrich life. With age, close mindedness chokes the life from budding thought. Close your eyes and see the possibilities of imagination and thought, of the greatness this world has to offer. Open your mind and grasp the wonders before you.

Ed Williams

Thursday, September 16, 2004


I heard today that congress voted themselves another pay raise with only one dissenting vote. I think their goals are wrong. They were put in office to run the country, not pad their bank accounts.

Tuesday, September 14, 2004

Truth or fact?

It has been said; “facts may be the enemy of truth”. Yet, truth is the ally of fact. Either may stand alone, but both are fortified by the other.


Sunday, September 12, 2004

Ambrosia Mentality

I am changing the name of the site to Ambrosia Mentality. This, I feel, would be a more appropriate name than Ed’s Place. Ambrosia: (classical mythology) the food and drink of the gods; mortals who ate it became immortal. Mentality: A habitual or characteristic mental attitude that determines how you will interpret and respond to situations.

Ambrosia Mentality, or AM for short, indicates “After midnight” or the morning. The morning is a new day and light from the sun. Everything seems to be clearer in the light of day. The understanding of a new day brings all things into view.

Ed’s place gave the site a persona more about me and not thought. The change will take place within the next few days.

Friday, September 03, 2004

Labor Day

This is just a note to wish everyone a safe and enjoyable labor day. This is the last great hurrah of summer, with cookouts, swimming and general outside partying. Make the best of it, the winter months will soon be here. Just think; we have many things to look forward to in the coming months. Cold wind, snow, turkey dinners, Election Day, football, ice, winter sports, family get-togethers, new TV shows, more parties and holidays, and much, much more. There are a lot of things to look forward to, so maybe this isn’t the end of anything, just a change of pace. Take care and I’ll be back next week with more things to tickle the mind.


Wisdom For Today

A half-truth is a whole lie.

- Yiddish proverb

As cited in "Jewish Wisdom" by Rabbi Joseph Telushkin.

Thursday, September 02, 2004

Wisdom for Today

The man who regards life...as meaningless is not merely unfortunate but almost disqualified for life.

- Einstein, "The World As I See It"