Ed's Place (Ambrosia Mentality)

This is an easy place to view and comment on some of my work. All comments are welcome, Please let me know what you think. Intelligence is a must here, if no where else. If you wish to comment, yet do not want the world to see it, you can contact me at: edcat01@juno.com

Location: Choctaw, Oklahoma, United States

I’m just a very lucky, dirty old man with a wonderful wife. I have opinions on most everything, but will not force them on anyone other than family and friends. They have to suffer with me as no one else.

Monday, April 10, 2006

Christianity v Islam

This is a very touchy subject.  People the world over are sitting in a few, select camps of thought.  How can two major religions be so different and yet so alike?

Over time each religion evolves into something gentler and more forgiving.  But also goes through growing pains when radicals seem to control the way the religion is moving.

In its younger days, before there were so many denominations, Christianity went through a dark time.  They were determined to convert everyone to Catholicism.  Your choice was convert or die.  All other religions were seen as “spawn of the devil” and had to be wiped out.

Islam, at least the radical factions, feels the same thing today.  They wish to wipe out all other religions and cover the world with their beliefs.  It seems, once again, the only choice you have is to convert or die.  But these radicals would prefer you die.

The first two religions within the sights of these radicals are Christianity and Judaism.  Later others will be chosen and attacked as well.  As it was with Christianity, Judaism and Islam were the first targets.  Luck and reason forestalled any further movement in the direction it was headed. Maybe it was divine revelation.

Judaism does not ask for converts, though at one time did.  It grew and found this to be the way to best serve its believers.  Christianity now does not demand you convert, but tries to show the benefits of conversion.  This is kinder and gentler, but can still be very pushy.

Perhaps some time in the future Islam’s radicals will fall by the wayside and the religion can continue to grow in a peaceful manner.  Yet, if something is not done, they may well be on a road, unable to turn back.

Each of these three major religions has experienced their time in war.  They battled for what they believed to be true, for survival.  They also moved the fight to a theological level and left the battlefields.  It is only when a few radicals step up that mortal combat arises once more.

The average Muslim is not unlike either the Christian or Jew.  They wish to live a life in peace, without the dictates of other religions interfering.  There are many sects or, as some would call them, denominations of Muslim.  For some reason the “Arab” sects are the most violent and radical.  The outpouring of their violence has spilt over into other “non Arab” Muslims.

As in the past, present and future, we must stand up to those who try to remove our will and impose their own.  It is time to stop, see the individual, not the religion and combat the oppression of a few on the many.  We can ill afford to allow these few miscreants to plunge us into another “dark ages”

Violence is not always the way, but when violence is meted out, it must be met.  Appeasement has not worked and will not work.  They have called out a war and war is what is necessary to stop it.

Throughout time the innocent have fallen prey to the warlords or warring factions.  I am afraid now is no exception.  Many who do not hold the same views as the radical will find distain and be singled out.  But it is better to detain, though not mistreat, the innocent and not let a single radical slip through.

Whether you are one who is detained or felled by terror, we all ride the same train.  It is an unpleasant ride, but one we must endure until these oppressors are vanquished.  

The freedom of all lay at the feet of the fallen in battle.  Blood shed for freedom is not wasted, but hard spent.  Those who shed this blood may only see full honor when the war is won.  Their sacrifice is in vain when the masses do nothing.  Pity is undeserved to the weak which undermine the effort of those who serve and die.  The evil meted out by the few is the burden of the many; glory of the valiant is theirs alone.

Ed Williams


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