Ed's Place (Ambrosia Mentality)

This is an easy place to view and comment on some of my work. All comments are welcome, Please let me know what you think. Intelligence is a must here, if no where else. If you wish to comment, yet do not want the world to see it, you can contact me at: edcat01@juno.com

Location: Choctaw, Oklahoma, United States

I’m just a very lucky, dirty old man with a wonderful wife. I have opinions on most everything, but will not force them on anyone other than family and friends. They have to suffer with me as no one else.

Thursday, August 19, 2004

This Political Year

As we all are quite aware, this is once again a political year. Not just a year of politics, but that glorious time when we hear, over and over again why one person or another should lead this country.

With the looming election drawing near, more satire erupts from the bowels of indignation we hold so dear for all elected and want-a-be icons of political power. Some cutting articles, jokes or pictures show a sense of humor, others are just maleficent. With years in office to degrade an official, we pick the pre-election period to jab, insult and injure the newest candidate running for the position. As the holder of the office has had their time in the lime light, it seems only fair, or is it? The airways and printed media become filled to overflowing, spouting this or that, at or about the newcomer. This is free advertisement. In some cases I believe the campaign manager may even initiate them. As with any flock of sheep, when we get an e-mail, we send it on to most everyone we know.

This is not to say this is right, wrong or indifferent, but the American public votes for the person they remember by name, if not the party affiliation. Name recognition IS the name of the game. Anyone selling a product yearns for name recognition: from the store you shop, the fast food restaurant you stop at, movie star you look for or the political candidate. All covet the idea of you remembering their name.

A friend recently told me they planned to vote for the candidate they received the most nonfactual e-mails about. This is when the point hit me hard, right between the eyes. Yes, the jokes may be entertaining if not funny, but we need to contemplate the cold, hard facts about the person, not the propaganda spreading throughout the land. We are in the midst of the four year locust known for political rhetoric and posturing. With redolent and impassioned speeches, catchy jingles and slogans, the public is lead away from the necessary information required to make an informed decision. Advertising geniuses possessing the skill of a master magician use slight of hand to mislead and misdirect your attention away from the issues the candidates wish to skirt or even avoid all together.

We all know politicians will say or do almost anything to achieve their goal and later, renege on campaign promises. Why then do we still stand idly by and harken to the siren call of the pied piper? Is this wishful thinking or just a bad memory on our part? We live in difficult times, but when are times truly easy. The leadership of this nation impacts on the world as a whole. Where we go, the world leaders look upon and scrutinize. In the past we have had leaders covering the full gambit from great to the incompetent. We are, for the most part, an image driven culture. Do we want the world to see us, the United States, led by anyone other than the best for the job?

It is not too late to seek out the facts. Stop listening to the rhetoric spouted by the media, relatives, friends and neighbors. Dig deeply for the precious gems of fact and truth. Seek out what these political demigods are hiding and what they truly stand for. Character, knowledge, force of will and a desire to better this nation are required. Not the hollow promises of shallow idealism that will never come to fruition.

A true leader is a unique individual. Often these qualities lay dormant until the time is right and they are pressed into service. The world has seen examples of this in the likes of Sir Winston Churchill and Dwight D. Eisenhower. These men did not come to the forefront until their countries and the world were in dire straits and their skills needed. We live daily in the shadow of their efforts. The bright shadow only freedom can cast.

We now sit upon the precipice of darkness. An evil, real or perceived, stalks this nation and our very way of life. Without an insightful guiding hand, this great country will plunge head first into chaos. Intuitive and honest selection of our leadership is vital. Do nothing and doom will look you in the eyes and not blink. Are you able to stand steadfastly and glare back defiantly? Without the dedication of our elected officials, we may find out.

I can not and will not tell you who to vote for, but if this nation fails due to inferior leadership of our choosing, there is no one to blame but ourselves. Not casting a vote is not an option, but vote wisely, it’s your voice. Silence in the election of our governing officials is not golden.

Look to the future by virtue of the past.

Ed Williams



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