Ed's Place (Ambrosia Mentality)

This is an easy place to view and comment on some of my work. All comments are welcome, Please let me know what you think. Intelligence is a must here, if no where else. If you wish to comment, yet do not want the world to see it, you can contact me at: edcat01@juno.com

Location: Choctaw, Oklahoma, United States

I’m just a very lucky, dirty old man with a wonderful wife. I have opinions on most everything, but will not force them on anyone other than family and friends. They have to suffer with me as no one else.

Sunday, June 26, 2005

Will you stand up to tyrany?

I have, from time to time, put things here which I didn't write. This is one of them. I believe this is worth a read and think about.

Hello friends and neighbors,

As you probably know by now, your home, property,
business is at risk of being taken by your local
government edict under the Eminent Domain ruling
handed down on Thursday 6-23-05 by the U.S. Supreme
Court. Of course the usurpers have to pay you for said
property. What is not stated is that local city
councils can pay, whatever they wish and resell it to
"private" developers to increase the tax base or
whatever purpose they wish.

The concept of Eminent Domain has been around for a
long time but land acquired under this has
historically been for the common good of the populace
(highways, bridges, dams, etc). The new "legislation
from the bench" has opened the door to any private
developers or builders that have a "better idea" for
your property. It doesn't matter whether your family
has maintained the land for generations or even if you
are retired on a limited income. Private greed is the
only requirement to seize your property.

Terrorism comes in many forms and this time it comes from
within and perpetrated by our own judicial branch of
government. Since the Supreme Court appointments are
for life, our only recourse is impeachment on the
grounds that their recent action is, in effect, a
re-writing of the Constitutional Rights fought for by
the Founders and Patriots. They have violated their
sworn oath to follow the Constitution and they have,
in effect, voided the checks and balances system of
the Legislative, Judicial, and Executive Branches and
have legislated from the Judicial bench.

While we are still able to peacefully seek redress
from tyrany from within, please give consideration to
signing the petition at the web site listed here.

Charles Woltz



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