Ed's Place (Ambrosia Mentality)

This is an easy place to view and comment on some of my work. All comments are welcome, Please let me know what you think. Intelligence is a must here, if no where else. If you wish to comment, yet do not want the world to see it, you can contact me at: edcat01@juno.com

Location: Choctaw, Oklahoma, United States

I’m just a very lucky, dirty old man with a wonderful wife. I have opinions on most everything, but will not force them on anyone other than family and friends. They have to suffer with me as no one else.

Thursday, June 30, 2005

What do you see?

As everyone knows this is a holiday weekend. We are celebrating our independence, the fourth of July. It is yet another time to contemplate what our nation stands for, to look at its symbols and freedoms.

When you look at the flag, what do you see? A multi-colored cloth with white stars backed in blue with strips of red and white? Is that all you see? Can you see the ideas and ideals bound up within it? Or do you only see an outdated rag whose place of honor is long past its glory?

Let me tell you what I see. Yes, I see the stars and the strips, the red, white and blue colors. But I see so much more than a mere piece of cloth. I see my wife on the day she retired from the military, standing proud in her uniform. I see my children playing safely in our house or yard. I also can see my daughter standing at attention at an awards ceremony in her uniform. I see my son-in-law sweating in Afghanistan to help free the people from tyranny. I see my father viewing the world through a glass eye, which was taken out in World War II. I see my mother, sitting on her scooter, much as she did on the heavy equipment she used to make the air fields in south Texas during the 1940’s. I see my granddaughters playing with their pets.

Looking just a bit closer I can see a church, synagogue and mosque standing in peace, side by side by side, with people flowing in and out. I can see my neighbor down the road and his family. We have little in common, they aren’t the same religion and don’t have the same ethnic background as us, but they are American just the same. I see people working to make a difference or a living in their own businesses. I see a whole nation this way.

I see all the good and the bad. I see a history with discrimination and hatred because of skin color, religion or origin of birth. I see crime in the streets. I see corruption in our political leaders. I see the twin towers as they stood not too long ago. I see a Native American with a tear rolling down his face looking at a ravaged land. I see a system of government which few thought would work, yet does, at least for the most part.

Looking a little deeper still, I can see the friends and comrades I lost in Vietnam. I see all the dead Americans on foreign shores who died for freedom. They not only died to keep us free, but to show others what freedom is. I can see the constitution and the bill of rights. I see the ideas of free people and the ideals this nation is based on. A nation not built on a religion or one person, but on the ideal of personal freedoms and responsibility for all people. I also see the satire of the founding fathers, who included only Caucasian males with those freedoms. I see the evolution and enlightenment the bill of rights has undergone. I see the flaws still in place. I see amendments to the constitution, both good and foolish.

I see a nation with standards of living so high the people have become jaded to some extent. It also is a nation other people want to emulate, yet still others despise and want to destroy.

I see people burning and disrespecting that same flag which I love so well. They can do this because of the freedoms we have, it is their right under our laws. I wish they too could see what I see.

Yes, I see all this and so much more in the flag, but for those with limited sight, it would do no more good telling it. For those with a vision as mine, there is not need to say more. Look, not only at the flag, but into it. Maybe your vision will improve, if only a little.

A land of laws is lawless when the law makers do not have to adhere to them. The standards set forth for the common citizen should be even more important a standard for their leaders.

Ed Williams


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