Ed's Place (Ambrosia Mentality)

This is an easy place to view and comment on some of my work. All comments are welcome, Please let me know what you think. Intelligence is a must here, if no where else. If you wish to comment, yet do not want the world to see it, you can contact me at: edcat01@juno.com

Location: Choctaw, Oklahoma, United States

I’m just a very lucky, dirty old man with a wonderful wife. I have opinions on most everything, but will not force them on anyone other than family and friends. They have to suffer with me as no one else.

Thursday, December 30, 2004

Why I said it

I have gotten several comments about my last posting. People who know me asked, “Ed, what is wrong with you? You never acted like this before.” I have debated on whether to remove the posting or give an explanation. I’ve decided to explain.

It is not that I feel these people do not deserve help or that this was not a terrible event. In fact I feel the exact opposite.

The problem stems from the fact we, as Americans, are looked at to give, give, and give, no matter the reason. Everyone else is to receive from us, but we cannot receive anything from anyone.

This nation has had many terrible disasters in the past and not one country came to our aid, or even offered. We have had billions and billions of dollars in loss from events such as tornadoes, hurricanes, earthquakes and terrorism. Have you ever seen or heard of anyone offering to help? Even when we ask others to form a coalition to combat world terrorism, we have to fight, twist arms and even bride other nations to join.

Why is it that the world has the United Nations, yet the United States is tasked with the burden of financing aid and squelching regional conflicts? It seems the UN is only the mouthpiece for the world to seek more money from the American tax coffers. We are expected to buy products and services from other nations at a premium price, yet they want us to give them our goods and services for free or at a cost next to nothing.

With this last disaster, I have seen estimates the U.S. will end up forking over close to 100 million dollars in cash, service and materials. This does not include the aid we are already giving the nations of that area. If those figures were to be included, I’m sure the total would be well over a billion dollars.

All this money going out, yet we are called “selfish” and “money grubbers”. We give more and more every year to almost anyone who asks, yet we are hated for it.

I wonder what would happen if the United States stopped giving. Would the other industrial nations step in to replace us, countries like France, Germany or Russia? What about the OPEC nations? They have money flowing in daily from over the globe, yet they seldom give anything away. OPEC holds the purse strings of the world with their oil, why aren’t they called upon to help? Why? Because the US is the powerhouse of freedom, the money tree bearing fruit anyone can pick for free.

I’m sorry, but if the world wants us to pay for everything, they need to stop hating us. Cooperate with us and do the right thing. They need to stop helping terrorist, turn them in and get rid of them, stop petty wars of greed, let the aid we sent to the people, get to the people.

It seems that nowadays, everyone should be working together to a common end, of world peace and harmony. Yet we have racial and religious wars going on over the globe. We have people still oppressing other groups by sex, race and religion. Why?!

If there is going to be a world order and everyone wants us to pay for it, then it is going to be our way! So world beware, the United States people are getting fed up with the way you treat us. We are not the “Dutch” uncle you can take money from, and then talk badly about later. We have the power to make glass out of sand and deserts out forests. Will we ever do it? I don’t really think so, but we could.

Rome was touted as the greatest civilization in the world. They didn’t take any lip or back talk from anyone. That was one of the things that made them great. Once they stopped, they collapsed. We are not Rome, but we may just take a lesson from them and learn from them.

Ed Williams


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