Ed's Place (Ambrosia Mentality)

This is an easy place to view and comment on some of my work. All comments are welcome, Please let me know what you think. Intelligence is a must here, if no where else. If you wish to comment, yet do not want the world to see it, you can contact me at: edcat01@juno.com

Location: Choctaw, Oklahoma, United States

I’m just a very lucky, dirty old man with a wonderful wife. I have opinions on most everything, but will not force them on anyone other than family and friends. They have to suffer with me as no one else.

Friday, September 02, 2005

It’s a high price to pay

The United States has been called the richest, most wasteful nation on earth. This indeed may be true. But if you look closely at some of the richest people on earth, they throw their money around anyway they want. So why can’t the richest nation?

We poke our noses into other countries affairs every day of the year. Sometimes it is in ways they want, such as giving them money or aide. Other times it is with a force of arms. Either way, we are showing our might and power to influence life around the world.

We have problems in this country which need to be addressed, and no one is doing anything about them. They are focused on the headlines and not the day to day, mundane matters at hand. Oh, you may hear something about them once in awhile, but doing something about it is out of the question. Why should a politician try to fix something that won’t get their name in a headline and win them votes?

Topping the headlines of today are things like “Gas prices” and “Katrina”. There are other disasters around the world also. Remember the tsunami a while back? Half a world away and the United States was there in less than 48 hours to begin giving aide. How long has it taken for government aide to reach the gulf coast, a part of this country?

Some items hit the headlines for a while and go away again, with little to nothing being done about the problem. In this country it has to hold our attention for us to care. The old adage about 15 minutes of fame seems to hold true!

The price of gas in this nation has been climbing to new heights almost every day, some times even hourly. Yet, no one has done anything about it, except talk. Now that Katrina has hit the gulf coast, leaving devastation in her wake, gas prices are to soar even higher, it is really hitting the headlines. Will we do something about it, or just talk and complain about it for a few weeks and move on? Either way, the problem is there and needs to be dealt with.

There have been several petitions spreading around to boycott gas stations or companies for a day, or to not buy gas for a day anywhere. This will do nothing to help! If you still drive, you need gas, even if you wait a day to buy it. Besides, the oil companies are so interlaced they deliver gas to service stations covering the nation. So that is not a solution.

I DO know of a way we can really get the attention of the oil companies and the government. And this is the only way they can see the will of the people. Forget the petitions, they do no good.

What I’m calling for is a boycott! Not what you have seen people sending around, but a real boycott. Park our car, boat, lawnmower, anything that runs on gas. Don’t do it for just one day, but for a whole week. If the entire nation will call in sick for one week, everything will stop. I know it is a high price to pay, it could mean your job. But if everyone did it at the same time, there would be no one to fire you.

We all have seen the futuristic doom movies with city streets empty. That is what this entire nation could look like for a week. You don’t think the government would step in to get people working again? If we parked all the gas using machines, there would be no need to fill them. The oil companies would lower the prices just to get us to buy again. A nation at a complete stand still is a very scary thought, especially to a politician.

If you think the gas prices are hitting our bank accounts now, just wait. Remember, everything we eat or buy has to get to us some how. The price of everything is going to go up and up and up. Do I hear the word inflation?

With the gas at $3.50 a gallon, a person making $8.00 an hour works one hour a day to pay for the gas to get to work and home again. Then you have food. Can you see paying $3.00 for a loaf of bread? How about $10.00 for a gallon of milk or $15.00 for a hamburger? Can everyone say “Bye-bye fast food”?

Wages will have to go up weekly in order to keep pace with the cost of living. The retired person on a fixed income would die because they can’t afford to eat! We already have hunger in this country now, are we going to let it get worse? What about sending your children to school? With the price of gas rising, the schools will not have the money to pay teachers and buy gas for the busses. Can you say HIGHER TAXES?

What about housing? If it costs more for the materials and manpower to build, rent and housing will also sky rocket. Can you see paying $2000.00 a month for a 200 square foot apartment? Forget about the view, there is none!

We are a large country, set on our independence. How can we help others when we won’t help ourselves? I know someone is going to say the president should place a “price freeze” on everything. It has been done before and for the most part helped. But if you freeze wages now and the price of gas in place, many businesses will go under, leaving only the larger ones to do business with. How many people will that put on welfare? In a case like this, the companies would have no choice but to cut costs anyway they could, like health benefits and retirement savings plans.

We have been the slaves of O.P.E.C. and the oil companies long enough. It is time to stand up and just say NO! There are other fuel and power resources out there. It is past time for us to use them!

I have painted a dark picture of what could happen, but only touched on it. It could be even darker. The apocalyptic future seen in movies could be more real then fiction! I’m sure most, if not all, have seen or at least heard of the “Mad Max” movies. That was all because of oil!

Let us all join together to stop this before it goes any further. It has gone too far as it is! If the people of this nation will band together, maybe other nations will do the same and force a change which the world has never seen before.

Set the date as September 26 – 30! Everyone join this boycott and show the bureaucratic structure the common citizen can change things.

He who complains yet does nothing but howl at the moon is part of the problem. Solutions require the call to arms accompanied with actions.

Ed Williams


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